
Video: Module 7 – Introduction

Presenter: Kay Ryan

Speaker Kay Ryan

Yes, Module 7 covers financial planning for your business, the part that everyone seems to dread most. But really it’s not that hard, and probably the most important part of understanding your business.

In this module we’ll start by going over your personal family budget and financial needs. Then we’ll move on to analyzing your business finances.

We’ll cover how to prepare a cash flow statement for your business, and how to make credible sales assumptions and expense predictions.

You’ll learn how to make a projected Income Statement from the numbers you have researched for your cash flow.

Then we’ll show you how to create a Balance Sheet for your business outlining your Assets, Liabilities and Owner’s Equity.

And finally, when you think your head is about to explode with all these numbers, we’ll show you how to make a break-even analysis… as well.

You can do it! Hang in there! Only one more module to go.

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