
Video: Module 4 – Introduction

Presenter: Kay Ryan

Speaker Kay Ryan

By this point, you have identified your products or services, who your customer is going to be and where you intend to market your business.

Now you need to learn about all the Legal Issues involved in starting a business in Canada.

In this module we will explain the different types of business structures, from a sole proprietorship to an incorporated company and everything in between. We’ll discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

We’ll go over with you the importance of selecting the proper business name that best suits your venture, and we’ll cover other issues such as patents, trademarks etc.

We’ll also make you aware of all the different government ministries that you will have to comply with, in regards to their rules and regulations.

And finally, we will review with you the different types of insurance that you may want to consider for protecting your business.

This module will really bring all the legalities involved in business together for you.

It’s very informational and enlightening…and not too long!

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